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Caladium bicolour 'Lance Wharton' (Caladium)

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Helpful articles

Fertilisers. Learn all about fertilisers, the different varieties and their applications.

Five best grasses for Australian lawns. Description of the 5 best grasses for Australian lawns - including native grasses.

How to plant. Learn how to plant correctly. Planting correctly will not only get your garden off to a flying start, but it will also ensure that your plants's root systems develop as healthily as possible, maximising their long-term stability.

Green walls (or Vertical Garden). Learn how to create an amazing vertical garden wall using a variety of plants including herbs.

Plant description

Caladium 'Lance Wharton' is a smaller, full variety of caladium, with speckled with pink and green leaves with a red centre vein. It is tolerant of more sun than other caladium varieties. Caladiums are tropical plants grown for their beautiful foliage. They grow from an underground corm that dies down in winter, and will resprout in spring. They can be grown as pot plants, as a specimen plant or as massed colour for shaded tropical or sub-tropical areas. In cooler areas they can be grown in greenhouses, patios or indoors, or if grown in the garden, they can be lifted as they die down and replanted in spring.

Caladiums like warmth and humidity, and protection from full sun. They should have regular watering to keep the soil moist, but over watering can lead to rotting of the corm. Regular fertilising with half strength liquid fertiliser will give sturdy growth.

Propagation is by offsets from larger corms.

All parts of the plant are poisonous and should not be ingested.

Additional plant information


Flower colour: not specified
Flowering season: not specified

Plant size

Maximum height: 0.4 metres
Minimum height: not specified

Maximum width: 0.4 metres
Minimum width: not specified

Sunlight, frost & salt tolerance

Will tolerate partial sunlight.
Light frost tolerance.
Plant is not salt tolerant.

Fauna attracting?

Not specified.


This plant species will grow in the following climates: temperate, tropical.

Soil types & conditions

Loam: moist, well-drained.

Clay: not specified.

Sand: moist.

Miscellaneous information

Planting season: Late winter to early spring.

Types of fertiliser: Half strength liquid fertiliser applied regularly through the warmer months.

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